Saint Petersburg Hotels hotels in Saint Petersburg — 243

Saint Petersburg Hotels

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Hotel Nouvelle Europe
Hotel Pushka Inn
Hotel Alt Ritter
Hotel Atrium Hotel
Hotel Chaykovskiy
Hotel Rus
Hotel By the Hermitage
Hotel Suvorov
Hotel Respektal
Hotel Motel Vojaz
Hotel Krupigor
Hotel Stouni Aylend
Hotel Ladoga
Hotel TsentrOtel
Hotel Golden Garden
Hotel Admiral Benbow
Hotel Rinaldi Poetic
Hotel Silva

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Hotel Octaviana

Nearest metro station: Vladimirskaja
DBL (rubles): 2700
Address: Nevskiy prospekt, 76
Contacts: +7 (812) 327-3769
+7 (812) 322-5076
+7 (812) 322-5078
( ? ) This hotel is on free placing, therefore detailed description and photos are inaccessible to viewing. More about prolongation of paid placing you can read here.

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