Saint Petersburg Hotels hotels in Saint Petersburg — 243

Saint Petersburg Hotels

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Hotel Amadeo
Hotel Abrikos
Hotel Ave Tsezar na Stremjannoy
Hotel Sokos Vasilieskiy
Hotel Holiday Club St. Peterburg
Hotel Gostevoy Dom na Rubinshteyna 29
Hotel Admiral
Hotel Apple Hostel
Hotel Gostevoy Dom Pjat Vecherov
Hotel Rinaldi na Nevskom 103
Hotel Venetsija
Hotel Golden Garden
Hotel Rinaldi Poetic
Hotel Motel Vojaz
Hotel Rokko Forte Astorija
Hotel Neptun
Hotel Sputnik
Hotel Venetsija

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Hotel Respektal

Nearest metro station: Majakovskaja
DBL (rubles): 1600
Address: Ul. Majakovskogo, 36-38-2
Contacts: +7 (812) 272-4189
+7 (812) 273-4296
( ? ) This hotel is on free placing, therefore detailed description and photos are inaccessible to viewing. More about prolongation of paid placing you can read here.

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